Monday, April 24, 2006

Spanish Moss

Beautiful Savannah! We went there briefly on Spring break along with W. Virginia and Virginia. A whirlwind tour full of beauty. And alligators. Dolphins slapping their tails just off of the beach too! We're done student teaching in 2 weeks and are now assessing our future plans. I've added another link to the 7th grade blog I made where my current students published their poetry. It's similar to the high school blog link that is also there.
We have an interesting neighbor across the street. For the past year he has been tallying up the American dead in Iraq on large posters stapled to his fence. It's eerie walking out of our apartment every morning to see the numbers increasing like an odometer. I remember when it hit the 1,000 mark some time ago. Today it says 2,390.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Canopy Tour

We have a new sport/hobby. Tree climbing! All it takes is a fairly simple getup of ropes and harnessess. And good knots of course. And a sling shot or a sock filled with enough pennies that it could kill you coming down the other side of the branch. It is a surprisingly vigorous workout, and once suspended in the trees it is quiet and you sway with the wind. Here are some pictures of Damien and his view from up above as we hiked with friends Bob Bill Kortni Bella and Blinker at the Eternal Flame south of Buffalo.