Thursday, November 17, 2005

Snow in Buffalo

Well it officially snowed last night here in Buffalo. There is a fine coating of white all over everything this morning. The day before it was 65 degrees! Damien and I celebrated by eating ice cream for breakfast today (it's a tradition for the first snow) and we were out frolicking under the streetlamps last night.
We have only one month left of classes for the semester, so we are really going crazy getting all of our work done, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have both been observing and doing a little bit of teaching at an urban school here in Buffalo. It's pretty wild, but we are really enjoying it. Student teaching in January.
Sadly, my uncle Crit passed away last month. He was only 48. I'd like to dedicate a poem by e. e. cummings to him and to my family who will miss him very much.


to stand (alone) in some

autumnal afternoon:
breathing a fatal
stillness; while

enormous this how

patient creature (who's
never by never robbed of
day) puts always on by always

dream,is to

death and

life)imaginable mysteries

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