Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Paddling between the submarine and the battleship Posted by Picasa


J Blanka said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you paddled between those huge ships. That is one of my biggest fears. Even when I jump off a boat to go swimming, even a little 20-foot boat, I can't swim near the side of it. Something about the side of a boat is so very scary to me. You are brave! -MaryJo.

Ms. S. said...

That is a fear we share in common MaryJo! I've always hated even standing next to a huge docked boat. I've never heard anyone else say that before. Perhaps I'm on my way to recovery by facing my fears. Next time you're up here I'll stick you in a kayak and you can face yours too. Ciao Bella!

J Blanka said...

How about that? Sista from anotha Mista! I HAVE to stop looking at that picture...I've always wanted to Kayak, maybe I'll take you up on that offer. Someday...-Mj.