We both had the typical resolutions in mind: more exercise, worry less etc., but ultimately, Damien and I have resolved to try and reduce our personal carbon emissions this year. We hope that perhaps you will, or already have, embarked on the same path to attempt to be a part of the movement to curb the urgent climate crisis. If you have any questions, watch Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, or National Geographic's State of the Earth (thanks Klug!) You can stream 5 excerpts of this film at www.nationalgeographic.com. It's interesting to see your own impact on the state of the earth: calculate your footprint in terms of your carbon emissions at this website: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/
or at this website:
There cannot be anything possibly more important than this. But, as you may already know, there's hope if we all work together. Wanna know some simple changes that can help? Go to: http://www.nativeenergy.com/more_you_can_do.html#1 Let's be guardians of the very near future.
Dear Sally Mae,
WOW! Is carbon bad? My new diesel truck burns excellent and I get almost 7 miles to the gallon!!! Pretty good huh? Just got back from Manilla (ph) and you should see all the wonderful smog they have! Its AWESOME, like a huge grey bubble over the entire area of 11 million. Jeepneys and two stroke motorbikes everywhere spewing that beautiful stuff!!!! It made my eyes water and head pound it was so intensely amazing! Its your typical asian city with shiny glass high rises and litter filled waterways with shanty's all along them. Wish you could have huffed some exhaust with Susan and me. Good times.
Dang you red monkey, the phillipines sound totally rad! That's next on my eco-tourism destination list. Hey, my grandma always says, you gotta eat a pile of dirt before you die. The question is, how big is the pile...? I hear smog makes beautiful sunsets if compounded with the Asian Brown Cloud.
Dear Sally,
Nice to see your blog!! So many great activities in the New year. I read every words you wrote, and felt I was there as well.
I updated my blog little, not much, and have a lot of ideas for it. Like collecting broken glasses, plates, bowls etc to help them become beautiful Moasic pictures. Making paper lanterns, and let them shining at dark. Showing hope everywhere.
I am thinking a lot of pictures of hope, love, feelings, and beautiful pictures and poems. Hope have enough time to creat them.
Share poems, music, pictures, feelings,....many things with you next time.
I want to save our earth,too. Does Low Carbon emissions means using paper products less? What is the meaning?
Lots of love (Big Kisses!! :)
Hope your friends, family, you..... are healthy, happy, and wonderful.
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