Sunday, April 01, 2007

30 in the Blue Ridge Mts.

I took D on a surprise birthday getaway weekend in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The cabin was built in the 1700's and is a magical spot in the universe. We did a whole lot of hiking, relaxing, bird-watching, and eating. The Redbuds were blooming in their purple splendor and the mountains were huge! We also saw a bazillion deer, got up close and personal with a vulture eating a dead racoon, had a strange encounter with some cows with staring problems, found the greenest river, hiked next to a tall waterfall, explored the quaint town of Lexington, and pretended we lived 200 years ago in our dreamy cabin.


Yang said...

Hey Miss S,

I like to see you and D!! It is very nice. Good to see the nature. I miss the songs of birds, the sounds of rivers..........Maybe I will go somewhere to enjoy nature,too.

Yesterday, when I was making little puppets, and tried to make a story. I thought of you. While all plots were finished, I will show you the series.

Remember that I work part time for kids? So I try to make some dramas and stories for them. They laugh always. :) I will share with you more next time.

Love and Miss


Justin said...

Hey, I can see you guys are doing very well. That place looks great and exciting. Looks like you guys are heading to Machapiccu? Let me know. I got a job to teach in Hawaii next year. It's a lot of pressure off of my back. Enjoy! Love you and miss you.

Ms. S. said...

Hi Yang & Justin! I'd love to hear your stories Y! Justin, we were looking at Hawaii as an option ourselves before we came here...awfully tempting! Congratulations on your dreamy future! Where is the job? And yes, Peru is our summer destination. We'll have 1 month down there. Miss and love you too!

Anonymous said...

Hi E! This place looks so beautiful! I am glad to hear that you guys had some fun times! It is really great to see you guys even if it is in picture form. Have a rad time on your spring break and don't forget about the chicken wing...ever. Love!
Yours truly, Fajita

Anonymous said...

hi schotze

Ms. S. said...

Hi fajita
how is the mexican food in portland?

Quiero comer para mi? Vamos a Costa Rica uno tiempo mas!