Sunday, September 30, 2007

Protests in Burma

Whenever I close my eyes and remember Asia, I always see the serene, smiling, dignified, sparkling faces of the people of the Buddhist nation of Burma (the ruling military dictatorship calls the country Myanmar). The monk-led democratic protests going on there fill my heart up with so much hope and then it breaks a million times when I hear of the violence the military has responded with. The military junta has jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi, dragged away and beaten the leading monks, and killed nine peaceful protesters. Here is a link to click to see an amazing photo gallery- it seems to go backwards in chronology, so the first pictures are later dates. The pictures of the peaceful aspects of the protest are so beautiful...maybe they can give us just a little window to see the strength of the citizens who live there.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kayaking the Weekend Away

morning kayaking afternoon kayaking night kayaking

bald cypress kayaking

flower kayaking

We've just returned from a wonderful kayak-camping weekend in the Chickahominy Wildlife Management Area just to the S. E. of us. We spotted a lot of wildlife (a big Bald Eagle was circling over us this morning), cooked up some delicious meals, kayaked our brains out, and enjoyed a lot of needed peace and relaxation.

We've been doing well and are back in the swing of teaching- we have plunged right into the hectic crowded urban high school life, and are feeling a lot more peaceful this time around. I'm teaching an extra class twice a week after school and we are also taking a grad class after school, so our schedules have suddenly filled up to the point of bursting during the week, but we are enjoying it. I'm looking forward to implementing a recycling program at my school with a couple of other concerned teachers and students.

It is still hot down here- somewhere around 90 degrees today, and we are looking forward to the fall weather! Not much else to report... except all the friends with brand new babies in the world! Congratulations Kristin & BJ, Josh & Maryjo, Auntie Danielle & Baby Daddy Gumby! We love you and your beautiful little offspring/nephews!

Monday, September 03, 2007

The See Saws at Fountainhead Regional Park

Mountain Biking & Marriage

Tomorrow is already our 3 year wedding anniversary and the first day the students come back to school. With the addition of a graduate class on Tuesdays (tomorrow tambien), we decided it would be too full of a day to celebrate, so we utilized the long weekend to represent our anniversary instead. We drove to Fairfax, VA and went mountain biking at Fountainhead Regional Park for 2 days (9 miles of some wonderful and technical terrain), while staying in a plush room at the Marriott (thanks Di & Andy), and eating Thai duck curry with grapes and pineapples at a spicy restaurant. It was wonderful. We are so thankful we found each other in the universe. Today I spend the day preparing for and meditating on a full school year ahead. I have butterflies. Big ones-maybe Atlas moths.