Whenever I close my eyes and remember Asia, I always see the serene, smiling, dignified, sparkling faces of the people of the Buddhist nation of Burma (the ruling military dictatorship calls the country Myanmar). The monk-led democratic protests going on there fill my heart up with so much hope and then it breaks a million times when I hear of the violence the military has responded with. The military junta has jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi, dragged away and beaten the leading monks, and killed nine peaceful protesters. Here is a link to click to see an amazing photo gallery- it seems to go backwards in chronology, so the first pictures are later dates. The pictures of the peaceful aspects of the protest are so beautiful...maybe they can give us just a little window to see the strength of the citizens who live there.

This bit about Burma is so heartbreaking. It's unbelievable that things like that can happen. Just people. Same kind, just a different place. It's terrible.
Thank you for the beautiful book you sent us! We look forwarding to seeing you all in person...someday. I just applied for and assistant professor position at Susquehanna U in PA and West Virginia U is next. We're getting closer. MJ and Harper say Hi... Rilke says Cooo.
Hi Erica,
I found this on wikipedia when the protests were just begining. Most of the article hasn't changed, but scroll down to the middle and there is a timeline someone keeps adding on more info day by day. I sucks that this is happening and you don't hear more about it on the news, most people don't even know its happening. It makes me mad and sad.
go to wikipedia.org and do this search:
2007 Burmese anti-government protests
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