Monday, September 03, 2007

Mountain Biking & Marriage

Tomorrow is already our 3 year wedding anniversary and the first day the students come back to school. With the addition of a graduate class on Tuesdays (tomorrow tambien), we decided it would be too full of a day to celebrate, so we utilized the long weekend to represent our anniversary instead. We drove to Fairfax, VA and went mountain biking at Fountainhead Regional Park for 2 days (9 miles of some wonderful and technical terrain), while staying in a plush room at the Marriott (thanks Di & Andy), and eating Thai duck curry with grapes and pineapples at a spicy restaurant. It was wonderful. We are so thankful we found each other in the universe. Today I spend the day preparing for and meditating on a full school year ahead. I have butterflies. Big ones-maybe Atlas moths.


Anonymous said...

Hey cousin...... WOW... Three years already.... It seems like yesterday...... memories...... making new ones and remembering the old ones

Anonymous said...

time for some babies...hee, hee, hee.
